Brand Nest – the year ahead

Brand Nest – the year ahead

Brand Nest Creative Agency coffee shop

Another successful year at Brand Nest…

This year, Brand Nest will be turning 2 years old. And I’m thrilled that we continue to go from strength to strength, delivering Creative marketing services to startups, local businesses and large UK brands.

To celebrate our second year of business, I’m reflecting on some of my favourite Brand Nest projects and clients.

These projects were challenging and rewarding in equal measure. And I’m proud of what we’ve delivered since I founded the company in 2022.

Read on to find out what we’ve been up to and what’s in store for the year ahead.

Messum’s – bespoke website

Brand Nest Messum'sThe Messum’s website remains one of my favourite Brand Nest projects to date.

It was challenging for all the right reasons; a creative and technical feat that showcased our flexibility as a creative agency. We combined various standalone Messum’s sites into a single source, bespoke website that acts as a shop front for the Messum’s brand.

The new website showcases some of the beautiful artworks for sale. These images are set against a blank canvas style backdrop, to give full prominence to the artwork, without too much noise on the page.

In the back-end, we consolidated various sources of information into a single content management system. So it’s easy for the Messum’s team to make changes and updates to their site.

Jaclyn Bradshaw – logo and website


Brand Nest Jaclyn BradshawI’ve known Jaclyn for well over a decade as we used to work together at Auto Trader. So I was delighted when she approached me to help create a logo and website for her Digital Consultancy.

Orginally from South Africa, Jaclyn asked to take inspiration from The Karoo region of her homeland for the logo. I conducted some further research to get a feel for the characteristics of this region. And I then suggested to Jaclyn that we focus on the vibrance and resilience of The Karoo within her logo.

I presented an earthy colour palette and a floral ident, which Jaclyn loved straight away. We collaborated to refine the design and I got to work on her website. She opted for my Business Lite website package, which is ideal for small businesses.

This meant I customised a WordPress template to her specifications. She also gained access to a Content Management System, so she has full control and can make edits to the website at any time. We launched the website in January 2024.

Jaclyn says, “I loved working with Stu at Brand Nest on my new logo and website.

He nailed the brief and was fantastic to work with. The process was smooth and enjoyable from start to finish. I’m delighted with my new website.

I’m confident it will help me boost my brand and generate more online leads for the year ahead!”


Electric Miles – rebrand

Brand Nest Electric Miles

Electric Miles offers a demand flexibility service to improve energy savings for consumers and businesses. Previously, their identity was centred on vehicle charging. But they wanted to future-proof the business as they grow and expand their services outside automotive.

Brand Nest created a new brand outlook, colour palette and logo to help drive the business forward. We adopted a modern look, whilst ensuring the design is timeless. So it won’t go out of fashion and will grow alongside the business well into the future.

We loved being a part of this brand’s evolution.

Brand Nest looking to the future

Looking ahead

After two successful years of business, I’m excited for what the future holds.

Brand Nest will continue offering effective and affordable creative solutions to businesses. We’ll keep working with startups, SMEs and large businesses across the country.

What sets us apart?

  • Global experience across multiple industries
  • Results-driven, proven track record
  • Fair, transparent pricing
  • Personal, one-to-one service


Get in touch if you’re keen to find out how we can help you grow your business.


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