Marketing design trends for 2024 – my predictions

Marketing design trends for 2024 – my predictions

marketing design trends

Here are my predictions for the top Marketing Design trends in 2024.

Marketing design refers to the creation of visual assets to help you build your brand.

Traditionally, it refers to graphic design – for example, posters, leaflets and direct mail. But these days, Marketing design means any creative visual assets. In other words, all online or offline designs that help your business stand out from the competition.

As Creative Director at Brand Nest, it’s my job to keep on top of current and future trends. So I can advise my clients on how to use custom designs to reach their target audience and get that all important sale.

Here’s what I believe will be hot in marketing design for the year ahead…

Personalisation will be King

Whether your target audience is B2B or B2C, you’re always marketing to people. It’s worth bearing this in mind when you consider the design that sits behind any marketing assets or campaigns you create.

People want to see custom images and unique designs that appeal to them. They want to feel like you understand them, their needs and pain points. And that you can offer a solution to help them achieve their one-of-a-kind ambitions.

Use striking images to capture attention, then get your message across quickly and effectively. This is where marketing design can play a big part.

For example;

  • don’t be afraid to use photos of real people within your business. This will appeal a lot more than stock images.
  • create custom images to tell a story about your brand and the people within it
  • include motion where possible – micro-animations and video are often more effective than text

Consistency and cohesion across channels

If someone is unfamiliar with your company, your branding is key to building their trust.

This means that wherever they see your company name, there should be a consistent look and feel to go along with it.

If you imagine a prospect’s user journey, it’ll probably look a little like this;

  1. Search for a service in Google and see your page pop up in the results
  2. Click on the page and are directed to your website (ideally branded with your logo and colour palette)
  3. Visit your social media page[s] to verify that you’re a real company and to get a feel for your style and tone of voice
  4. Contact you via their preferred contact method

At every touchpoint of this process, the prospect should see a consistent brand design.

Your branding should reflect your professionalism and your personality in one. It’s a fine balance but it’s achievable with the right marketing design.

More images, less text

People are busy and attention spans are short. If you can communicate a message in just a few words, do it!

Sometimes, visuals can convey a message more quickly and efficiently than text. So I believe that people will continue favouring visuals, video and photos over long-winded texts.

Infographics are a fantastic form of graphic design. They can present data in a digestible way. So they’re a really key marketing design tool and will remain a top trend over the next year.

Value for money

Marketing budgets are tight, so people will want to see value for money at every turn.

This means that design agencies like mine need to keep offering outstanding quality of service at a fair and competitive price. I expect people to continue shopping around for marketing design services. So it’s key that I, and other agencies, are able to show the return on investment and value for money we offer.

At Brand Nest, my extensive experience and personal approach set me apart from other agencies. When you work with Brand Nest, you’ll benefit from all the skills and resources of a large agency, at a fair and transparent price.

Looking for affordable marketing design services?

Get in touch and let’s discuss your goals and needs!

I offer branding, websites, video and graphic design, as well as SEO Content services. I’d love to find out about your business and discuss how I can help you grow and reach more customers.



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