5 tips to grow your business in 2024

5 tips to grow your business in 2024

Here are 5 tips to help grow your business in 2024.

Looking for ideas to grow your business this year? Our top tips will help you focus on the right things to attract and retain more customers.

The start of a new year is the perfect time for a Spring Clean of your business.

This means;

  • throwing out projects and processes that aren’t effective
  • polishing anything that’s already working
  • identifying new approaches that will make your business shine

Forget high risk, expensive practices. These tips are simple, practical and proven to work.

1. Start with your website

Your website is like a digital shop window for your business. People will land on your website from various sources. For example; Google searches, referrals, social media and word of mouth.

It’s vital that your website looks great and works seamlessly across devices. But in the world of websites, looks aren’t everything! It’s equally important that your website is search engine optimised (SEO) and allows visitors to find what they need, quickly and easily.

In the old world of Marketing, the goal was to keep visitors on your website for as long as possible. In fact, website dwell time was a key performance indicator for many a Marketing plan. However, these days we know better. People want to find what they’re looking for with ease, contact you in the way that suits them best, then return to whatever they were doing with their day.

If your website is clunky, hard to navigate or, worst of all (gasp!), NOT responsive across all browsers and devices, it’s time for an upgrade.

There are plenty of fantastic, and affordable, WordPress website templates available. You may need a bit of development support to customise a template to your exact specifications. But an experienced website agency can do this for you in a matter of weeks, and it’ll cost less than you might expect.

Many business owners invest a lot in Paid Marketing, social media and above the line marketing. But you’ll benefit a whole lot more – and save a fortune on expensive Marketing tools – by ensuring you have a robust, SEO website that looks great and is easy to use.

Need a website? We offer tiered packages to suit your budget.

2. Segment your data

Prospective customers can spot a generic, blanket Marketing email from a mile away. And it’s a big turn off.

Instead, they want personalised contact from you that shows you understand their business, their needs and pain points. Hit your prospects with tailored communications at the perfect time, with a relevant message, and you’re bound to see an uplift in your response rates and customer acquisition.

Not sure how to segment your data? Start simple;

  • Location – use local messaging to attract attention
  • Job title – calling all <insert Job Title here>, this is for you!
  • Business type or Industry – use relevant stats or insight to gain credibility
  • Solve a Need or Pain Point – this is a big hook for your comms

These segments will allow you to tailor your communications to the people you’re speaking to. And they’ll make a big difference to the success of your Marketing.

Need some help designing and building your email templates? We can help. Contact us here.

3. Use the right channels

Sounds obvious but it isn’t always. You should only invest in channels that your target audience uses.

This is particularly pertinent when it comes to social media. Many business post regularly across Twitter X, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Youtube and TikTok, simply because they think they should.

But if your audience is only active on one of these channels, it’s a waste of your time and money to invest in the others. The same applies to the posts themselves. Only create posts when you have something valuable to say, or you’ll run the risk of annoying your customers and repelling your prospects.

Email can also be a very effective marketing tool. But once again, you need to tailor your approach to your customers – how often do they want to hear from you? What messages will resonate with them?

For each Marketing channel, you should take a carefully considered approach based on customer and market research. Don’t  use absolutely every channel at your disposal, just because they’re there.

Need help with your Marketing? Brand Nest offers integrated Marketing services to help you grow your business.

4. Customise design wherever possible

Here’s a tip – Google rewards websites that feature custom images and photography over those that use generic stock pictures. This means, you can get your website to rank higher in Google’s search results by investing in bespoke design services.

Sure, a generic website template will mean you have an online presence, which is better than none at all. But it won’t get you noticed in the way a bespoke website will. A bespoke website, featuring unique images and content, will help you stand out from the competition. And it may not cost as much as you think!

If you’re keen to grow your business, it’s worth investing in a customised website, images, content and communications wherever possible. You’ll see a greater return on investment in the long run.

Bespoke websites, custom image design and content creation is all in a day’s work for the Brand Nest team.

5. Make incremental improvements

Customers often tell us they’re keen to invest in Branding, Marketing and Design to grow their business. But they can be overwhelmed by the size of the task and unsure of where to begin. This is where it’s useful to work with an experienced Design and Marketing agency.

If you’re considering a complete rebrand, a new website or a fresh suite of Marketing assets, it’s worth taking an incremental approach. Instead of treating your Marketing strategy as one colossal project, focus on one area at a time. This will lower risk and make the project more manageable.

For example, we have many clients who approach us asking for a rebrand, a new website and a suite of branded merchandise at the same time.

Our advice is to split the project into small phases;

  • We’ll start with the branding – a new logo, colour palette and style guide
  • Then we’ll apply this new look and feel to your website
  • Now we’ll create branded merchandise or apply the new look and feel to existing Marketing assets

Ready to grow your business?

At Brand Nest, we’re passionate about blending the creative and the commercial to help businesses of all sizes achieve their goals. Our extensive experience and personal approach are what set us apart from other agencies.

Plus, when you work with Brand Nest, you’ll benefit from all the skills and resources of a large agency, at a fair and transparent price.

Contact us to get started!

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