What is Social Media Management?

What is Social Media Management?

What is social media management?

We’re often asked by clients what social media management actually entails.

  • Is it worth outsourcing or can we do it ourselves?
  • How much should we pay for it?
  • What’s the difference between organic versus paid campaigns?

Here we’ll aim to demystify why social media is an important marketing tool and how to get the most from it.

Buck the trend

So, the big question is; do you actually need your business to be on social media?

You certainly shouldn’t create a profile on every network just because everyone else is doing it!

Before you put your brand on social media, it’s worth doing some research into where your target audience spends their time online.

Perhaps you need to target senior level executives who have a presence on Linkedin. Or, you’re keen to reach a young audience who spend time on Tik Tok and Instagram. Some businesses invest their entire marketing budget in video marketing on Youtube.

There’s a plethora of social media networks out there. But you need only focus on those that will yield a result.

Nail your message

Once you’ve identified which social media channels to use, you’ll need a robust message.

What’s your tone of voice?

When writing for social media, you’ll need to combine your brand tone of voice with the general TOV for each channel. For example, Twitter’s 280 character limit means you’ll need to be succinct and effective. Instagram is all about images and hastags. While Linkedin requires a more professional tone.

Struggling to find anything interesting to say?

Think about action – what would you like someone to DO when they see your post? Often, if you begin with your desired outcome and work back from there, it becomes easier to craft interesting and engaging posts.

Content is key

Is your company website up to date? Do you have a regular blog that’s bursting with useful content?

The ultimate goal of posting on social media is to build brand presence, drive traffic to your website and generate leads. So if you regularly post on social media but don’t include any links or calls to action, your posts might not perform.

Structure your process for creating social media posts like this;

Desired outcome > message > engaging image > call to action

Organic versus paid social media

Your organic social media channels are the profiles you can create and manage, free of charge.

But it’s also possible to run paid campaigns on one or multiple social media platforms to gain extra exposure.

The good news is that paid social media campaigns are surprisingly affordable. You can spend as little as £5 per day to run a campaign, and can amend your budget and campaign copy, as and when you like.

Social media management

There’s a good reason that social media management services are so in demand!

When executed well, regular engagement on social media channels can have a huge impact on your business. But, it takes a significant amount of time and effort to manage your social media channels.

In addition to creating the posts you want to share, you’ll also need to engage with anyone who interacts with your posts. Then, you’ll want to report on the success of your social media accounts, ideally on a monthly basis.

If you outsource your social media management to an agency, they’ll do all of this for you.

How Brand Nest can help

If you’re new to social media, we can help you get started. We’ll research your audience and competitors to find out which social media platforms are best for your business.

Then, we’ll put together a management plan, including regular posts and monthly reporting so you can see how they’re working for you.

If you’re interested in running any paid social media campaigns, we’ll also implement these for you.

We offer clear, upfront pricing and regular performance updates, so you’ll be able to see exactly how your budget is working for you.

Get in touch to find out more!



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